Our touring exhibition, in partnership with the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust and emerging curator Briana Oliver, has been shortlisted for the Design in Mental Health Awards 2019...

Last year, we worked with the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust and emerging curator Briana Oliver to develop Linear Meditations, a new mindful hospital exhibition featuring the works of one of Britain’s most significant 20th-century artists - Wilhelmina Barns-Graham.

We then worked with colleagues at Imperial Health Charity to realise a touring exhibition across their three sites of Charing Cross Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital throughout 2019.

Linear Meditations dives into the representations of water made by Wilhelmina Barns-Graham in her drawings, paintings and etchings between 1975-2002. Capturing water in a variety of forms, from glaciers to seascapes, the exhibition explores the power of water to both calm and captivate.

Glacier Encounter by Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, 1976.

The exhibition is accompanied by a series of practical mindfulness activities to benefit patients, staff and visitors of the hospital, including mindful drawing, mindful listening and yoga. Even the exhibition's artwork labels include mindfulness techniques, intended to provide support to patient and staff mental health when experiencing difficult situation and emotions.

We're thrilled to announce that Linear Meditations has been shortlisted for the Design in Mental Health Awards in the Art Installation of the Year category. The winning project will be announced at the awards dinner on 21 May 2019.

Find out more about our current exhibitions and events...


Header image: Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Music of the Sea (detail), 1976. Courtesy of the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust